UMD Virtually Welcomes Its Four Summer Fellows

For the first time, UMD’s International Policy and Diplomacy Fellows Summer Program will be fully virtual due to COVID-19. UMD is pleased to welcome our four fellows: Noah DeMichele, Jordan Jantzen, Lauren Krotz, and Evan Nitchov. Since 2008, UMD’s internship program has hosted close to 100 students.

“While the experience of being in the heart of it all, in Washington, D.C., is irreplaceable, we are going to make sure Noah, Jordan, Lauren, and Evan never have a dull virtual day and gain invaluable knowledge in advocacy, diplomacy and foreign policy, Macedonian human rights, and religious freedom – all areas of importance to UMD’s mission,” said UMD President Metodija A. Koloski. “The future belongs to the youth, and it is up to us to guide and mentor their development to be better leaders tomorrow.”

Noah DeMichele is a rising senior at Frostburg State University where he studies Political Science and International Studies. He is passionate about foreign policy, international politics, and diplomacy. He is eager to advocate on behalf of Macedonians across the globe through the United Macedonian Diaspora.

Jordan Jantzen is a rising senior at Colorado Christian University studying Global Studies and Politics. His studies focus on international relations and diplomacy and additionally on the history of American government and policy. Jordan is excited to join the United Macedonian Diaspora team and looks forward to assisting in and advocating for the continued growth and protection of the global Macedonian community.

Lauren Krotz is a junior at Furman University majoring in Politics and International Affairs and Chinese Studies. Her studies primarily focus on foreign affairs and global human rights issues. Lauren is excited to join the United Macedonian Diaspora team and looks forward to advocating for the wellbeing and protection of the Macedonian community.

Evan Nitchov is a 19-year-old Macedonian student at Queen’s University majoring in Political Studies currently residing in the Greater Toronto Area. After attending Birthright Macedonia in 2019, he is excited to continue his involvement with United Macedonian Diaspora in 2020 as an intern and is motivated to highlight and fight against injustices done against Macedonians globally.

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